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A free template letter to send to your property guardians this Christmas

As we approach the festive season and as a gesture of goodwill, we share a template letter to send to your property guardians as a polite reminder of their continued legal obligations under their licence agreements over the next few weeks. You will need to amend it slightly to specifically fit the terms of your standard licences.

Dear Property Guardians

As we approach the festive season, we write to wish you a happy and safe holiday season. We know this may be a time many of you will be visiting family and friends or hosting social gatherings, so this is a polite reminder of some relevant clauses in your licence agreements.

If you are going to be absent from the property for more than [three] days
Please inform us [and/or your property guardian manager] as soon as possible. This helps us to ensure the property remains occupied and protected and also for health and safety reasons. On leaving the property, please ensure all windows and doors and securely locked.

If you are hosting visitors
You are only permitted to invite [two] guests to attend the property per day. [Overnight guests are not permitted. Nor are parties.] If you become aware of any other property guardians breaching this rule, please contact us immediately.

If you are putting decorations up
We of course welcome you to get into the Christmas spirit with decorations, but please be careful not to make any permanent alterations or cause any damage.

Emergency contact details
Please provide accurate and updated emergency contact information to property guardian managers.

Licence fees
Licence fees are still due in advance on the first day of each calendar month. If you are worried about being able to pay your licence fee over the Christmas period, please get in touch.

As ever, we value your continued contribution and efforts in occupying and protecting the property this year and look forward to 2024.

Kind regards

If you do find a property guardian is struggling to pay their licence fee, here is a link to our previous article about how best to deal with this scenario: What if a property guardian is unable to pay their licence fees?

If a property guardian breaches its licence agreement over the festive period and you wish to evict them or face any other urgent issues, please get in touch with Amy Castleman.



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