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We get deals over the line!

Sales & Purchases

Look at what our real estate lawyers can do for you.  It might seem the same as every other firm’s real estate team.  That’s true – we do the same as many other lawyers.  But we believe the way we work, our attitudes and our relationship with our clients differentiate us.  The only way you will find out is to come and see us, talk to us and have an excellent cup of coffee in our London office or an enjoyable view of the cathedral from our Peterborough office.

Our expert real estate lawyers are on hand to help you achieve your goal if you are buying or selling commercial property for your business.

First, we want to understand what you wish to achieve and why.  Once we do so, we can work as part of your team.  Whether this is the first property you have bought or you have bought and sold many times, we will support you.  Our lawyers work with other professionals in your team – agents, surveyors and funders – to ensure your transaction proceeds as smoothly and quickly as possible.

Property transactions can be complex.  Problems can and will crop up such as limited access, user restrictions or disputes and it’s our role to work with you to find a practical and effective solution which is satisfactory to you and any funders or prospective tenants.  Experience means that we know that sometimes there is no legal solution.  In that case, we will let you know so that you can make an informed decision about how to proceed (or not).

Our clients include landowners, developers, manufacturers, educational establishments, charities, hospitality and leisure concepts, social housing providers, retailers and private clients.  Each client has different business needs or corporate requirements, and our advice is tailored as necessary to benefit our clients.

Every transaction is different, so why use a firm that’s the same as all the others?  We deal with straightforward sales and purchases of single properties, auction sales or purchases, mixed use property, multi-let properties and work with our corporate colleagues in buying or selling properties as part of an asset or share sale.  Above all, we are approachable, not stuffy and our business is to work for your business.

Our lawyers enjoy the variety of their work and getting deals over the line.

Let us help you

Involve us as early as possible

We can liaise with your agents on the heads of terms.  This way we can avoid having to change terms for technical legal reasons.

Tell us if you are getting funding

Your funders will have specific requirements and we will save you time and money if we work with them from the beginning of the transaction to satisfy them.

Tell us your real business timetable

Let us know all lead in times for any works, ordering movers or kit, telephone or broadband cabling, machinery, fixtures and fittings, notice to staff.

Tell us if your signatories are not always available

Let us know when authorised signatories will or will not be available – deals can be held up because the only person who can sign is on holiday!

Tell us about any special requirements

If you cannot operate on a site without a particular level of electricity supply or you intend to develop we need to know so that we can check whether title or other restrictions on the property may prevent you from doing what you want;

We can liaise with your agents on the heads of terms.  This way we can avoid having to change terms for technical legal reasons.

Your funders will have specific requirements and we will save you time and money if we work with them from the beginning of the transaction to satisfy them.

Let us know all lead in times for any works, ordering movers or kit, telephone or broadband cabling, machinery, fixtures and fittings, notice to staff.

Let us know when authorised signatories will or will not be available – deals can be held up because the only person who can sign is on holiday!

If you cannot operate on a site without a particular level of electricity supply or you intend to develop we need to know so that we can check whether title or other restrictions on the property may prevent you from doing what you want;

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