This year, Greenwoods was fortunate to welcome Fleur Bloemsma as a guest speaker.
Fleur is a trans rights activist and artist passionate about teaching about trans issues and realities. Aiming to connect people by creating a space for questions and openness without judgement or cancel culture, as a true opportunity to explore things you might not have known before yet want too. In this session, Fleur discussed a recent performance piece where they laid in a bed for a week post top surgery and invited people to sit at the end of their bed to talk and ask questions about being trans and gender issues. The aim for this session was to get more of an understanding from worlds that seem more separate and have gaps of knowledge, to make these two worlds seem less like strangers and to provide basic knowledge in order to navigate real life situations.
Fleur was an inspirational speaker, and the session was so popular that we decided to run it twice!
Here’s what Fleur said about their experience of Greenwoods:
“My experience speaking at Greenwoods was everything that I was hoping for. When talking about trans issues and informing people about my community it can be tricky as it’s a complex topic that is still very much being integrated into workforces. This is why I was so happy with the outcome at Greenwoods; everybody was super engaging, attentive and supportive, this is throughout my entire process with greenwoods from being scouted to speaking to the actual speaking. Greenwoods is leading a great example to the law firm industry of how people should be approaching trans/non-binary people and marginalised people in these spaces, the only hope is that other law firms will follow in their footsteps.“
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